What Is a Sweepstakes FAQ Page? Examples & Why You Should Create One – Giveaway Beginner’s Guide

Create a sweepstakes FAQ page because it's the most popular way to resolve participant objections and get them to enter faster.

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It’s always good to have a sweepstakes FAQ page no matter what type of sweepstakes, contest or giveaway promo you decide to run. This is because there will always be frequently asked questions that participants want answers to before they decide to enter your giveaway promotion.

Here’s what you need to know about how to write a sweepstakes FAQ page, what sweepstakes questions participants will likely have, along with sweepstakes FAQ examples to help ensure that you answer all of those important giveaway FAQs. We’ll also explain how both your entrants and your brand will benefit from a good sweepstakes FAQ page.

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  • Why use FAQ pages for sweepstakes and contests?
  • How do I make a good sweepstakes FAQ page?
  • How many questions should be on a FAQ for a sweepstakes?

What Is a Sweepstakes FAQ Page?

A sweepstakes FAQ page is a key part of understanding the sweepstakes rules because it answers the most common questions that participants have about your promotion. A sweepstakes FAQ page is the perfect place to share the answers to all of the questions that participants usually have while viewing your sweepstakes entry page and giveaway Official Rules. By writing an effective sweepstakes FAQ page, you can eliminate the objections that visitors have about entering your promotion and instantly get them to participate.


Why Is Sweepstakes FAQ Page So Important?

While you don’t have to build an entire sweepstakes FAQ page for your promotion. You can simply add a giveaway FAQ section to your giveaway website. There are some important reasons why you should have FAQs.

First, the purposes of a sweepstakes FAQ page is to answer common questions that participants have that they can only get the answers to by reviewing your Official Rules.

Did you know that 41% of millennials view a website’s FAQ section before they contact customer support? In the case of a giveaway promotion, visitors won’t contact support, they will simply leave the page if you don’t answer their giveaway questions.

Just imagine how many more participants you could get for your social media contest or sweepstakes, if you immediately helped your visitors with a sweepstakes FAQ page. It’s actually easy to write a sweepstakes frequently asked questions section if you follow a few simple tips.

In a separate Trustradius study, researchers found that 77% of buyers prefer to do their own research before making a purchase decision. This consumer behavior also extends to your sweepstakes promotion. Consumers generally want to know the contest rules and prizes, that they can trust your brand, and have clear expectations of what to expect from your promo before they decide to enter your sweepstakes or contest.

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What Is the Purpose of a Sweepstakes FAQ Page for Sponsors?

Here are several important reasons why you should create a sweepstakes FAQ page?

  1. It saves time. Without a sweepstakes FAQ page, your customer support and social media team team will have sweepstakes questions to answer in addition to the normal volume of customer inquiries that you receive. It can also help to prevent the hassle of dealing with sweepstakes winners who are ineligible to win or fail to respond to claim the prize.
  2. It’s easier to convert participants’ referrals. If your participants share your sweepstakes or contest with their friends, a certain percentage of those referrals will become sweepstakes participants. Your goal is to convert as many of them as possible. Having the positive testimonial of their friend helps, but a sweepstakes FAQ page delivers the transparency and positive customer experience that potential participants need in order to decide to enter your promotion.
  3. It builds trust. Brand trust and transparency are key factors for attracting participants when it comes to running an effective sweepstakes or contest. The more reasons you can give participants to trust you, the more participants your promo will attract.
  4. It reminds participants to read the Official Rules. Although acceptance of the sweepstakes Official Rules is required in order for a participant to be considered as eligible to win, participants often don’t spend much time reviewing them. By reminding them with a sweepstakes FAQ page, you can highlight important parts of the sweepstakes rules that shouldn’t be over looked.
  5. It’s an SEO opportunity for recurring giveaway campaigns. If you run recurring sweepstakes or giveaways monthly or annually, a sweepstakes FAQ page can also help your website rank for SEO. You’ll benefit by being able to convert new participants from organic search traffic as you reuse the same sweepstakes entry website for new promos.

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Why Is a Sweepstakes FAQ Page Useful for Participants?

Sweepstakes FAQ pages are useful for answering the standard questions that participants often have. Even though that information is required to be included in your sweepstakes rules, if they are not written somewhere else in simple language, not legalese, then you risk participants not fully understanding or finding that information.

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This is the problem that FAQ pages aim to solve. By the end of the frequently asked questions section, sweepstakes participants should be able to answer basic questions about your promotion.

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Where Exactly Should You Feature Your Sweepstakes FAQ Page?

The sweepstakes FAQ page should be added to the same website that hosts your sweepstakes, contest or giveaway. Some sweepstakes platforms can automatically generate a content block for you to insert your own sweepstakes FAQs and answers. Else they may provide a sweepstakes FAQ page template that is based on typical sweepstakes rules.

The most popular choices are to include a sweepstakes FAQ page link in the navigation for your sweepstakes entry form page or insert a content block underneath the entry form that visitors can quickly review and then proceed to enter your sweepstakes.


Tips on How to Write a Good Sweepstakes FAQ Page

Above all, participants should be able to easily scan and extract the answers that they need. Here are the sweepstakes FAQ best practices to follow before you get started:

  1. Make it easy to find your giveaway FAQ page
  2. Write questions from the point of view of a participant or customer
  3. Write in a Q&A format
  4. Provide an immediate answer to the question in addition to linking to the official rules as needed
  5. Provide definitive “yes” or “no” answers where required
  6. Avoid legal jargon that your customers may not understand
  7. Remind participants to ask for help if they need it and to engage with you on social media
  8. Don’t make it too long so that participants sign up right away
  9. Link to your main brand website to make it clear what brand is the giveaway sponsor

Never use a sweepstakes FAQ page template as is. Just as you should never copy sweepstakes Official Rules or use a sweepstakes rules template, the same goes for your sweepstakes FAQ page template.

What Is a Sweepstakes FAQ Page? Template

Want to download the sweepstakes FAQ template? Tap the button below to Download this post as a PDF. Please allow some time for the file to generate.

what is a sweepstakes faq examples and why you should create one blog post title


A Sweepstakes FAQ Page Template With Example Questions

You alsways want to make sure that your sweepstakes FAQ page starsts with the acronym “FAQ” so that people can easily find it when searching for answers about your sweepstakes from the navigation bar or via a website search query.

Here are some sweepstakes FAQ page example questions to answer:

Sweepstakes FAQ Page Q1: What are the sweepstakes start and end dates?

Tell participants the exact dates and times that sweepstakes entries must be submitted within in order to be considered as eligible entries.

Sweepstakes FAQ Page Q2: How often can I enter?

List the number of entries permitted per person or per household. Remind sweepstakes participants that more entries do not increase the chance of winning.

Sweepstakes FAQ Page Q3: Where can I find the sweepstakes Official Rules?

By law, you are required to give participants direct access to the sweepstakes official rules on all of your sweepstakes advertisin. This will allow participants to learn the rules that your sweepstakes FAQ page doesn’t cover.

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Sweepstakes FAQ Page Q4: What are the restrictions on eligibility?

Every state and province has it’s own rules when it comes to sweepstakes, contests, and other types of promotions. As a result, a sweepstakes that is offered via the web or mobile will likely be accessible to the general public. It’s important that you explain to participates which states’ residents are prohibited from entering your sweepstakes.

Some common “void where prohibited” locations for sweepstakes include New York, Rhode Island, and Florida which are the states that require registration and bonding for promos with high value prizes. While there are not legal restrictions, some sweepstakes sponsors exclude Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands because of the high shipping costs associated with sweepstakes prize fulfillment.

Additionally, certain states have more restrictive sweepstakes and contest laws, where getting a sweepstakes approved would require significant additional costs to ensure legal compliance and may not be worth the ROI to include. Quebec has strict sweepstakes laws. At the same time, alcohol companies running sweepstakes in California, Tennessee, and Utah are required to obtain alcohol control board approval among other restrictions.

Sweepstakes FAQ Page Q5: What is the minimum age to enter?

Some sweepstakes are for 18+ while others may be 21+ or older in order to enter. If a sweepstakes involves any minors under age 18, then COPPA and other child protection laws must also be followed.

Sweepstakes FAQ Page Q6: What are the prizes?

Sweepstakes participants, especially sweepers, want to know what the prizes are before they sign up. If they win the prize, you want to make sure that the winner will accept it. So also make sure to share a bit about the prize delivery proccess, such as whether you will be required to complete an affidavit and whether you can expect to receive a Form 1099-MISC for the taxable income associated with the sweepstakes winnnings.

Sweepstakes FAQ Page Q7: How will you use or share my information?

When participants enter a sweepstakes they need to provide their personally identifiable information (PII) including name, mailing address, email address, mobile phone number, social profile name, and more. When this information is shared with your company, it’s the responsibility of the sweepstakes company, the brand, and any other sweepstakes sponsors and third-party vendors involved in managing and administering the promotion. Brands must include details on data collection and privacy practices in their sweepstakes rules to ensure legal compliance.


How Many Questions Should a Sweepstakes FAQ Page Should Have?

There’s no right or wrong answer to how many questions a sweepstakes FAQ page or section should have. Generally, you will find that the answer is somewhere between 5 and 10 questions. If it’s shorter, your FAQ is likely missing valuable highlights from the sweepstakes rules. If your sweepstakes FAQ page is too long, then it defeats its purpose as a “summary” of the Official Rules. Make sure to find a balance.

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